I’ll Alter Him: Story of A Bride

A story is told of a young bride-to-be who was very nervous on the day before her wedding, so she spoke with her minister. “I’m afraid I might not make it through the ceremony properly,” she confessed.

The minister assured her that everything would be fine: “When you enter the church tomorrow and the processional begins, you will be walking down the same aisle you’ve walked many times before. Concentrate on that aisle. When you get halfway down the aisle, you’ll see the altar, where you and your family have worshiped for many years. Concentrate on that altar. Then, when you’re almost to the altar, you will see your groom, the one you love. Concentrate on him.”

The bride was relieved, and left to prepare for her big moment. The next day, she walked down the aisle with her chin up and eyes bright—a beautiful, confident bride. But those along the center were a bit surprised to hear her muttering over and over. 

What she muttered was “Aisle, altar, him. Aisle, altar, him.”

But they heard: “I’LL ALTER HIM!
MORAL OF STORY: People around you will always misunderstand or misrepresent you. You’re the best judge of thy own truth. 

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